Constitution & Rules

1. The organisation will be known as the “Aberdeen Licensed Clubs Billiard and Snooker Association”.
2. The object of the Association is to foster the game of billiards and snooker in the city of Aberdeen and District.
3. Only properly constituted licensed Clubs shall be eligible for admission.
4. The Management Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, League Secretary, Competition Secretary and Treasurer.
5.The Annual General Meeting shall be held in a date in May, such date to be agreed by the Management Committee.
6. Each Club shall be entitled to appoint two representatives to attend the Annual General Meeting or any Special Meeting.
7. At all meetings a quorum will consist of at least one-third member Clubs being represented; otherwise the meeting will be dissolved.
8. The Chairmans, Secretaries and Treasurer at all meetings will have a deliberate vote and the Chairman a casting vote, except in matters relating to his own Club, when he shall not have a casting vote.
9. In the event of any Club being in breach of the rules set forth below, the Management Committee shall have discretionary powers to discipline such Club.
10. In the event of any Club being aggrieved by any decision of the Management Committee, such Club will have the right to appeal. Appeals should be lodged, in writing, with the Secretary of the association within FOURTEEN days. Matter to be reviewed by past committee members.
11. No alteration or amendments to the Constitution and Rules may be made except at an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting called for that purpose. Notice of any alteration or amendments shall be intimated to the Secretary by the relevant Club, who shall give members seven clear days notice of the proposal.
12. Voting on any motion, amendment or alteration will be restricted to the two votes per Club and the Management Committee as per (8) above.



1. Each HOME team shall provide a referee/marker for all frames.
2. A total of 12 points will be awarded per match. 1 point per frame won in a two table venue, 2 points per frame won with only one table. Any team who fails to phone in their result on time on two consecutive home games will have three points deducted as a penalty.
3. Each team shall consist of 6 players for league matches. In the event of not having 6 players that team MUST play a player twice in the match. That player will play his second match with his new handicap after the result of his first match. Teams will only be able to do this a maximum of 6 times in one season. No player will be allowed to play twice more than once in a season. ALL frames should be played. (this is to allow every player to take part and no free points being awarded with frames not being played) Any team that constantly struggle to field 6 players per match should consult with the committee.
4. Players will be allowed to transfer between Clubs within the playing year providing they advise the Secretary, complete a registration form and pay a £20.00 fee prior to playing. 9 days notice of transfer must be given and submitted on an official registration form. Once submitted, the player will not be able to play for his old team.
5. Team Cup matches can be played with less than 6 players as its a race to 7 points. No players can be used more than once.
6. Snooker: A game will consist of two frames where two tables are available and one frame where only one table is available.
7. The starting time for all matches shall be 7.00 pm. In the event of a late start, 7.15pm shall be the deadline for the first frame to progress. An early start is permitted if visiting captains agree.
8. The draw: Both teams will list their players on separate sheets in order of play one to six. Play should commence with one v one, two v two, etc and so on. In the event of a player being late and missing at the start of their match the order can be changed if both captains agree.
9. No member, upon being expelled or suspended by his Club, shall be eligible to play until such expulsion or suspension has been lifted. Only fee-paying members aged 18 years and over of respective Clubs shall be eligible to play. Only exception to this is where a Club has given permission for a player 14 to 17 years of age to play and that that player is fully supervised by his team. If playing away from home where the away Club does not permit under 18year olds on their tables, the away Club has the right to refuse that player permission to play.
10. The Annual subscription of each Club shall be determined by the AGM meeting and be paid to the Treasurer at the AGM or within 14 days thereafter unless a later date is set at the AGM for collection of fees. No Club shall be eligible to play whose subscription remains unpaid after that date.
11. Each Club shall register their players and pay a separate Players Annual Registration Fee. Only players registered with the Secretary will be allowed to complete in the Leagues and only for the team they are registered for. New players must be registered on an official registration form and the registration form submitted to the Secretary before they are eligible to play. One days notice is required.
12. Prize money for individual competitions will be paid out on the evening of the relevant final with the presentation of the trophy. Any player not attending the final will forfeit any prize money due to them. Applications for exceptions to this rule must be submitted in writing and will be decided upon by the Management Committee. Their decision on this matter will be final.
13. Complaints must be submitted to the Secretary in writing within seven days of the event.
14. Competition dates will be set by the Committee and be specified prior to the date that entries are required. Once set, all dates must be adhered to with all results or claimed matches reported by the closing date of each round. If possible, provide results prior to final Monday to avoid all results being phoned in on the last day.
15. In competitions, BOTH players are responsible for arranging the match. If the match is not arranged and played or the tie given to an opponent as a w/o therefore claimed by a player before or on the night of the round end date then both players will be disqualified.